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Complex Systemic Therapy Therapeutic components of the Complex Systemic Therapy

Therapeutic components of the Complex Systemic Therapy

Acupuncture and apparatus puncture are the main components of Complex Systemic Therapy. Acupuncture — specific impact on biologically active points using Chinese needles. Apparatus puncture — a resonant impact on biologically active points.

The procedure of acupuncture conducted according to the principles of classical Zhen-Chiu therapy gives rise to a complex of recovery reactions, which last from a few hours to 2 — 3 weeks or more. During this time the body undergoes beneficial changes, which are assessed at the next session, and only then the next stage of treatment is determined.

For children and sensitive adults, acupuncture is replaced by other therapeutic procedures, among which the most effective is acupuncture with use of resonance on biologically active points — a resonant method of making impact on biologically active points.

The impact on biologically active points using weak infrared radiation is one of the most harmless methods of immune reconstitution.

The resonant nature of the impact requires high accuracy of the diagnosis and treatment method. An individual approach to the choice of algorithm for alternating stimulation of biologically active points in combination with other components of the Complex Systemic Therapy is used only in our Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "House of Health".

The processes of strengthening the immune system in the patient's body can be documented by using the following

  1. thermometers
  2. electroencephalographs
  3. electrocardiographs
  4. rheovasographs
  5. other methods of functional diagnostics.

Since the temperature and conductivity of living system change with improvement of blood circulation in the tissues of the body, it implies that all of the instruments mentioned above indirectly reflect the state of blood flow in different areas of the body.

By maintaining an individual chart for the patient using

  1. rheovasography
  2. electrocardiography and
  3. computer diagnostics

we can objectively compare the condition of the person before and after the treatment.

There is an improvement in well-being and objective condition of patient already upon the completion of the course of treatment, but more pronounced signs of recovery of health appear about 25 — 30 days later, when there is a more complete immune reconstitution.

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