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Comments (1)
JIA for Celine Clarke
1 Saturday, 07 October 2017 15:14

My daughter is 9 years old and suffering from JIA in her feet, knee's and hands. We have given her naproxen and methatrexate for 1 year already which hasn't helped. She has also gotten cortisone injections 4 weeks ago to see if it would help and now she is unable to walk! Please get back to me as she is suffering and we don't know what we can do for her.

Thank you.
Administrator's reply:
We take on the treatment of the children with JIA
Thursday, 12 October 2017 15:20
Anatoly Solovyev
Hello Nadia,

The cause of arthritis in adults and children is completely different. Therefore, those drugs that alleviate the condition of adult patients are absolutely inappropriate for children. In children, the disease is associated with impaired blood circulation and immunity. Medications can temporarily reduce pain and inflammation, but do not eliminate the cause of arthritis. Pain and restriction of movements in the joint is a protective reaction of the body, which reduces the load on the diseased joints. Only after the restoration of blood circulation pain and swelling really disappear, the function of the joints is restored without medication support.

We have been specializing in the non-drug treatment of immunity disorders and diseases associated with impaired immunity and blood circulation since 1993. We perform System Diagnostics and determine the cause of arthritis, then we eliminate this cause with the help of our Complex Systemic Therapy. It is painless and harmless.

After the use of hormonal and cytotoxic drugs, the treatment time increases dramatically. Why? Because we have to restore not only joint cells but also damaged cells of all vital organs.

Hormonal drugs
1) persuade sick cells to work as healthy, draining their resources.
2) contribute to the development of osteoporosis,
3) cytostatics do not retain but destroy cells of the body by themselves.

Signs of the blood circulation restoration with our Complex Systemic Therapy are clearly visible already in the first 1 - 3 days of treatment.

In case we don’t see the obvious positive effect in the first few days:
we stop the treatment course,
we suggest an alternative method of treatment,
we return payment for the course.

We stop treatment for 1 - 2 children each year because of this reason.

Currently, more than 100 children aged between 1 and 16 have received our treatment. The greatest period of remission, which we were able to track is more than 20 years without medication and even without any preventive measures.
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