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Treatment of bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis

Does recovery always begin from the very first sessions of the Complex Integrated Systematic Therapy and improve continually? Of course, not. Even in the cases of asthma in children (especially, if the Complex Systemic Therapy was not started right away) there are times when treatment takes a prolonged period. If the primary etiology is not eliminated, the “conventional” treatment (that is the treatment with medications) without considering the type of asthma and its course leads to just temporal relief of symptoms. That is not enough for a complete cure. Furthermore, such a long-term treatment with the medications is detrimental for the lungs at the long-run, as they are not “prepared” to function with the intensity of a “healthy” organism. The use of adrenergic agonists and corticosteroids in anti-asthmatic medications can eventually affect other organs and systems, such as the circulatory system and particularly the heart. Corticosteroids affect the kidneys and the adrenal glands.

Almost every day of using the bronchodilators, which are hormones-based, leads to shortening of life span by 8-10 days due to disruption of homeostasis in the body systems. That is why, upon having started the course of the Complex Integrated Systematic Therapy after a prolonged period of using the medications by the patient it is not always possible to achieve a rapid and ultimate effect that would allow to immediately discontinue use of bronchodilators and hormones.

As an example, let us present two cases of asthma treatment.

In 1995 came to us parents of a 7 year-old boy with bronchial asthma.

Medical History

Severe case of bronchial (or spasmodic) asthma for 4 years; treatment with bronchodilators and courses of corticosteroids. When the boy was brought to us his asthma was generally poorly controlled. The patient presented with cyanosis of nasolabial triangle. Besides, there were wheezing in the lungs heard even with a naked ear and notable use of auxiliary muscles. Use of bronchodilators by inhalation would relieve the shortness of breath for 2-3 hours only.


Having determined the type of asthma we begun the course of the Complex Systemic Therapy. After 3 days the improvement was, but not significant. The parents were not sure that curing is taking place, so they had decided to discontinue the treatment. Having noted this outcome in the documentation we couldn’t have imagined that we’d see this family again after some 2 and a half years.

The Result

The family had moved to another city but eventually had to come to us again for the treatment of their son. It turned out that after the termination of the first course of the therapy the symptoms had disappeared and never came back until recently. Everyone thought that the boy had got cured completely, so at the next national holiday he was allowed to eat spicy and fried food. Besides, he contracted a bad cold. In view of all this the signs of asthma had returned again, though not as pronounced as before. Therefore, the parents had to immediately come back to us, having had to overcome the distance of 700 km. All the manifestations of the disease had disappeared after 4 days of the Complex Systemic Therapy, but for the next 3 days we were consolidating the result. This time the parents and the boy took our recommendations on healthy lifestyle seriously and there have been no replaces so far.

In 1994, another young couple brought to us a seriously ill though very cheerful girl suffering from bronchial asthma.


At the age of 7 the girl still hadn’t started school because every two months for the past 10 months she had to be hospitalized.

Patient’s condition in the beginning of the treatment:

Assessment revealed cyanotic nasolabial triangle and dark circles around the eyes. We also noted almost complete absence of subcutaneous tissue. Wheezing in the lungs could be heard even at a distance.


Seeing other pathological signs in combination we realized that we are dealing with a case of bronchial asthma of several types.


When asked how parents would react to the fact that the outpatient treatment would not immediately yield results, the mother responded that she had not had a normal sleep for almost a year because of her daughter’s condition and now was willing to try anything if there was any chance to improve her health. The day after the first treatment by the Complex Systemic Therapy had been carried out the girl came in joyful and said that she was feeling good and only had had a sleepless night due to continues cough. However, her breathing became much easier. The next day she appeared to be a happy girl again and said that she was feeling well, there was no cough anymore, but the night was sleepless again because of the sore throat. The following days were similar to one another. Our little patient would always appear in a good mood, however would complain about some new symptoms with every visit. She was having sore ears, eyes, nose, stomach, bladder, etc…


Finally, by the end of the two-week course all the symptoms disappeared. The parents were advised to come in to continue with the treatment in a month but half a year had passed and they hadn’t shown up. We then started to make inquires, and one of our patients who happened to be their neighbors told us that the parents of the girl did not understand why they still had to come if the girl now was doing perfectly well.

Thus, the delay in recovery from bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis while undergoing the Complex Integrated Systematic Therapy was associated only with numerous “background” comorbidities.

What treatment is needed for the patients with bronchial asthma?

In the book “Notes on the Traditional Chinese Medicine” we wrote about the need to create a new concept of effective treatment of chronic diseases alternative to the conventional therapy. The standard conventional treatments with medications, as proved by statistics, is not effective enough. Improvements are unavoidably followed by relapses and general worsening of the condition. Now it is the time to prove that the alternative holistic treatment must necessarily be based on the optimization of self-regulating abilities of the organism.

At the First All-Russian Applied Science Conference “Theory and Practice of Medical and Social Rehabilitation” held in Sochi in 2004 the principles of our Complex Systemic Therapy of bronchial asthma triggered a discussion between us the supporters of the treatment, which is based on holistic approach and body’s inner resources and the adherents of the methods that use the outer remedies for the cure. The idea of introduction of electromagnetic and mechanical controls for physical and emotional states of the patient, that our opponents tried to bring in and defend, was quite attractive but only at the first glance. It was not clear how and when the patient would start moving from being controlled by those external “regulations” into the normal independent life. Most likely, he/she will remain dependent on the outer “regulator”.

That means that consequently there is no fundamental difference between pharmacological dependence and dependence on those mechanical or electromagnetic impulses. The prospect of intrusting your organism’s well-being to the “man with the button” could be tempting only for a simpleton. An external regulation is never a cure. The offered one was just another variation of the already known device, such is, for instance, a puffer-bronchodilator. As with any device-dependency this one would lead to unavoidable decline in quality of life; besides it’ll require regular maintenance. It also is an alien to the body and might cause rejection in the form of allergic reactions and alteration in physiological properties of blood. As a result, deregulation of the body can lead to such a shift and a disruption of homeostasis to correct which the patient would have to be constantly under observation at a Research Institute. The human body is not a mechanical object for a medical device. The external regulation is, therefore of much less value both subjectively and objectively than body’s natural self-regulation.

Our response is the Complex Systemic Therapy

Complex Systemic Therapy, which is developed and practiced by our team, is complex therapeutic procedures for recovery of the immune system, blood microcirculation and treatment of stress. It utilizes only officially acceptable therapeutic and diagnostic interventions. However, it has a number of features that are distinctive from the existing methods of an in-patient, sanatorium or rehabilitation treatments.

Main principles of the Complex Systemic Therapy

  1. The aim is to achieve an optimal, stable physiological functioning of the organism’s own systems.
  2. Achieving of this goal is done by restoration of self-regulation of the body.
  3. Treatment-and-rehabilitation interventions are prescribed after the assessment of body systems of each patient individually depending on the type of asthma.
  4. The intensity of the treatment is determined by the level of blockage on microcirculatory level, condition of the immunity system, and the body’s own reserves and potentials.
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