We, Nadezhda and Anatoly Solovyev, are the authors and developers of Complex Systemic Therapy — a fundamentally new approach in the treatment of diseases (there are no teachers and students).
As experienced specialists in the field of anesthesiology and critical care medicine, internal medicine, neurology, physiotherapy, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynecology, homeopathy, acupuncture with use of resonance on biologically active points and reflexology, and finally mastering the principles of classical Zhen-Chiu therapy at the School of master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Alexei Ivanovich Falev, we have truly become medical scholars.
We constantly improve our skills! An example of this is the training of Anatoly Solovyev, Ph.D. at the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and pharmacotherapy in Beijing at the hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Guan yan men in 2004, together with Nadezhda Solovyeva in China in December 2006 and at the National Hospital for acupuncture in Hanoi (Vietnam) in December 2010.
A family tradition of quality treatment, degree from Gorky Medical Institute, training at the School of A. I. Falev, internships in China, own methodological developments, including Ph.D thesis — all this allows to ensure high quality of treatment at the Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine "House of Health".
Gorky Medical InstituteThe primary vector of our scientific work was given by the first teacher of systematic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of the human body — Professor Alex Pavlovich Sorokin, former head of department of normal human anatomy at Gorky Medical Institute, where we studied from 1978 to 1984.
Paradoxically, it was he and not the teacher from the department of clinical disciplines who explained us the need to look for the connection between the point of pain and the distant parts of the body. Of course, it was difficult in the beginning. After all, it is much easier to treat where it hurts than to seek the answer to the question: “Why does it hurt?” Especially because there was no need to analyze the disease since the treatment of inflammation usually came down to prescribing antibiotics and high blood pressure was usually reduced with the help of antihypertensive drugs.
Over the 10 years since graduating from medical institute, we have accumulated clinical practice: the maternity center, anesthesiology, critical care medicine, internal medicine, intensive care, physiotherapy. Over the years we have become more experienced, developed class, but at the same time more and more questions have started to accumulate regarding the effectiveness of medical treatment. There has not always been a clear relationship between medical treatment and the course of the disease.
Chronic diseases of not only patients but also our own parents did not improve with the use of even the strongest medicines; this led to a sense of helplessness of the modern western academic medicine. In the search of an effective therapy, we met with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.
Mastering the basics of methodIn 1993, we began to teach drug-free method of treatment in Moscow. Right from the earliest days of studies, we started feeling the growing ability and confidence as a result of treatment.
All that we were taught at the institute: the anatomy and physiology of healthy and sick bodies — began to lineup as a system. We began to understand how the interactions between the parts of the body in a healthy state and in diseases determine the course of recovery, or reversely, the disease becoming chronic. And it is now that all the clinical material accumulated over the years of study and work has come to use. We were able to answer our own questions regarding the causes of diseases.
The first experience of treatment without using medications was acquired during our own treatment and that of relatives. And it proved out to be 100% successful. One year later, we would meet hundreds of grateful people on the streets — our former patients. Not only did they manage to recover, but they are much healthier than they were before the illness that brought them to us.
We treated everyone who was not satisfied with the outcome of therapy with medicines for 5 years in a rented cabinet at the usual polyclinic; the spectrum of disease was most extensive, right from the common cold to asthma.
Training at the school of A. I. FalevSince 1995, we began studying the deepest aspects of traditional Chinese medicine under the guidance of master of TCM Alexei Ivanovich Falev. A. I. Falev, Ph.D. was a unique scholar who did not get favorable conditions for work in our country and carried out ambitious research work on the analysis of Chinese texts with his own funds until his death in 2005. He published monograph textbooks in order to convert TCM from the category of art, that was accessible only to the initiated, to a scientific discipline with deterministic postulates.
Looking at his work and listening to his lectures on the analysis of a variety of diseases, we realized the essence of the movement of needle in the treatment of various conditions. We perceived the connection between clinical manifestations of the disease and changes in pulse and tongue in our patients.
The duration of determining the cause of disease was reduced to the maximum. We began to accurately identify the direction of disease and the treatment path in the shortest of timeframes. The results were published in two monographs. In 2000, we dedicated "Essays on Traditional Chinese Medicine" to A. I. Falev. Together, we created and edited a collective monograph "Traditional Chinese Zhen-Chiu Therapy", which became the best work on this subject in Russian in 1999.
The success of treatmentWe carefully recorded and found out how our patients feel years after the treatment. After making sure that the effect is indeed genuine, that the patients are really recovering, that it's not a temporary relief like from taking pain killers — we decided to offer our services to people who come to the resort from different cities of Russia and the CIS countries.
We started working with these patients in 1999. Once again, we recorded and analyzed the results. It was time to summarize the knowledge and publish research papers, discuss our findings with scientists and doctors.
Some of our patients have become our friends and supporters of truly healthy lifestyle. Once, a group of our former patients on vacation in Switzerland decided to have lunch at a restaurant. After taking the order, the waiter asked what they would like to drink. He asked several times but heard that the Russians would drink only warm water. He could not believe what he heard. He became so confused that he almost got scalded while pouring the warm water. People often visit us to tell us about their health, they bring over their relatives, repeat their treatment upon facing new health problems.
Complex Systemic Therapy is an absolute must in a country where many chronic patients are in need of non-medication treatment. Even physiotherapy without an improvement in the blood circulation does not lead to recovery, non-medication treatment is most effective as part of Complex Systemic Therapy.
New type of work began at the pensioners diagnostic and treatment center in 2001. Reflexotherapists were the leading experts now — everyone related to Chinese medicine was called so in Russia. Of course, our qualification goes beyond the usual reflexotherapists who perform cauterization in neurologic diseases. We already knew how to treat all the internal organs without medications and led ordinary physicians.
Scientific activitySince 2003, we began to publish papers on Complex Systemic Therapy in the almanac "Aspects of alternative medicine", which was edited by A.I. Falev. We published the latest results of non-medication treatment of socially significant diseases in it.
In 2005 and 2007 Anatoly Fyodorovich Solovyev and Nadezhda underwent internships in China (Beijing, Dalian, Harbin, Sanya, Shanghai). These trips were made to learn about the special features of Chinese school. There was a visit to Hanoi in 2010. It was interesting to see the work of contemporary Chinese and Vietnamese acupuncturists, which is different from the traditional one, the one that we were taught at the school of A.I. Falev.
In 2005, Anatoly Fyodorovich Solovyev successfully completed his Ph.D. The Scientific Council of Pulmonologists (25 PhDs) unanimously recognized the correctness of the theoretical rationale and the effectiveness of treatment of patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis conducted by A.F. Solovyev.
There are good prospects of Complex Systemic Therapy at present; center of Traditional Chinese Medicine — "House of Health" has been opened in specially renovated premises. Another license has been procured for conducting medical activities.
Now we are ready to take adults and children for courses of treatment and to provide complete and adequate non-medication treatment.