Why does the sticky mucus accumulate in the lungs and bronchospasms take place?
In searching for an alternative ways of treating asthma we based our findings on the postulates of the predecessors – the ancient physicians who have passed on their knowledge of Western and Oriental medicine to the practitioners of our days. We have practically proven that the cure of bronchial asthma is realized through harmonization of three different aspects of the respiratory system: functional, protective, and controlling. The epithelium that lines the inner surface of the lungs we call the functional aspect of the respiratory system. Its role in breathing is that it directly contacts with the air. The most significant and permanent external factor affecting the state of the airway epithelium is the characteristic of the air the epithelium come in contact with. The state of the pulmonary epithelium is essential. It does not hinder gas exchange between the air entering into the lungs and the blood capillaries; in the same time it protects the capillaries from direct contact with the atmospheric air.
The reaction of the respiratory system observed in the obstructive pulmonary diseases ultimately manifests itself in the reduction of the functional surface (the parenchyma, or working tissue) of the lungs and the intensity of the air exchange, which is clinically registered as constriction of the airways. Those bronchospasms are a natural response providing protective function by and for the respiratory system might be perilous for the organism as a whole as it leads to a decrease in functional gas exchange and thus development of hypoxia.
“The brain is not getting enough oxygen! Increasing sense of suffocation! The person must get urgent medical attention!” Resuscitative intervention with use of emergent medications is totally justified under these circumstances that are potentially life-threatening. After the first intensive therapy to stabilize the bronchial asthma attack the air exchange gets restored. However, after a period of time even under optimal conditions of the environment a new attack may occur with the very same symptoms. If to ignore the root of the disease the patient will end up in an emergency room with the same medications all over again. Each year of medical history of bronchial asthma makes recovery more difficult because each use of the medications damages the epithelium even more, weakens the immune system and reduces the parenchyma of the lungs.
Why do medications deplete the pool of the stem cells of the body?
Lack of long-lasting curative effect of drug therapy on the onset of acute asthma even under the environmentally favorable conditions leads to the conclusion that the disease depends on the ambient conditions as well as on the state of the organism. In bronchial asthma, there is a disbalance between the level of utilization of the vital resources by the lung epithelium and the progress of the recovery of those resources.
The blockage of the normal capillary microcirculation by muscle spasms inhibits nutritional support of the lung tissue, thus the epithelial cell of the lungs dies after just a few seconds or minutes whereas under healthy circumstances its lifespan is 1 – 3 months. After a signal from the site of its death the bone marrow forms a stem cell to replace the deceased one. If during the time elapsed since the death of its predecessor the circulatory conditions in the region have not improved, the new cell dies as quickly as the first one. This circle would be happening over and over again, until the conditions for the cell surviving improve, or until the bone marrow gets depleted, or until the whole part of the lungs where the cells are being replaced will die out and, therefore, the “callings” for the new cells will no longer be coming in.
With such magnificent cell loss it could be hard to expect healthy aging because the formation of new stem cells in the body is finite, and the demand for the donors will not meet the supply.
How to stop the destruction of the lung epithelium?
First of all it is necessary to eliminate the culprit that causes the cells’ death, which is (in this case) the disturbance in the microcirculation due to its blockage.
Attempts have been made to enhance blood flow to the areas that are situated right after the circulatory blockage with the use of various stimulants (coffee, tea, vitamins, food supplements, amphetamines, medications, and so on). Unfortunately, after a temporal improvement these dopes would lead to the destruction of blood vessels, weakening of the heart and disorders of the nervous system. The use of various spasmolytics is also inefficient because it leads to a significant drop in blood pressure at the peripheral level consequently increasing the stress on the heart, as it now has to provide blood to the organs without the due support from the vasculatures.
Thus, the slowing of the cells’ death can be achieved only through a comprehensive holistic and systematic therapy that eliminates blockage of the blood circulation and restores self-regulation of the body at the fundamental level.
We help restore the natural capacity to the functional aspect of the lungs, the self-regulation and self-improvement of the body by enhancing the overall condition of the protective and controlling aspects of the respiratory system.
Disturbance of the microcirculation in the respiratory system is sometimes treated by overcoming the spasms in some muscles, particularly the respiratory group of muscles. An asthma attack is nothing but spasms, or constrictions of some of those muscles evoked by a stress. However, not only “respiratory” muscles are involved. In contrast to the postulate of Sele’s Stress Theory of non-specificity of a stress response, we have found that a stress response could be quite specific. Different responses to the external stimuli occur in a person whose immunity is inadequate to withhold a certain external stimulus.